One in every five persons you know, is suffering from mental illness, and you might not be aware of this. Only few people have not been indirectly or directly affected by mental health problems.

In the world today, there is a growing global health movement, and the church worldwide is starting to recognize these mental health problems, which are among the top causes of disability in the world.

Usually, mental health problems are as a result of the combination of a good number of factors like family environment, personality, spirituality, biology, and a host of others.

It is expected that, church leaders should not compulsorily be experts in psychological functioning, but it is needed that they have a fundamental knowledge on how to give support to people who are struggling in the church.

To begin with, the church is expected not to judge anyone who has mental health problem. It is best to pray for the person instead of passing judgment, this would result to worsening the case of the individual.

One measure which church leaders can try out when it comes to handling mental health problems, is to listen more and talk less.

Also, church leaders are expected to do more research on mental health problems. There could be a good number of people who are struggling with mental illness, that they are not aware of.

However, if they have a good idea on how it works, they would be able to spot some of them with these issues. There are good resources like books and the internet which has to do with mental illness.

Since church leaders are not expected to treat a mental health problem case fully, it is best to refer such cases to professional therapists. Church leaders should show ample care and support to people suffering from all forms of mental health problems.

It is also up to church leaders to stop the stigma in churches. Mental health problems are not a bad thing; it just signifies that the individual needs help to become psychologically balanced.

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